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English Marathi translation

What is Marathi?

Marathi is a language spoken by approximately 83 million people in India. It is the official language of the state of Maharashtra and the second most widely spoken language in India. Marathi is a Indo-Aryan language spoken by the Marathi people of western and southern India. It has over 60 million speakers worldwide and is the official language of the states of Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Telangana and Gujarat. It is also spoken in Pakistan as well as in large communities in Dubai and Oman.

What are the Different Types of Marathi?

Marathi is one of the major languages in India. It is spoken by about 93 million people in the country. There are different types of Marathi language and they are:

Standard Marathi: This type of Marathi is used in most formal and official contexts. It is also called as Deshthakar-Marathi.

Traditional Marathi: This type of Marathi is used in rural areas and it has more influence from Sanskrit.

Konkani-Maratha: This type of Marathi is spoken by Konkanis who migrated from the Konkan region to other parts of India or abroad, especially to South Africa, Southeast Asia and other countries with large Konkani populations such as Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Mauritius.

How Marathi translation can help your business

There are many advantages to Marathi translation for your business. The first being that if you are targeting customers from the state of Maharashtra, then you will be able to reach out to them more effectively if your content is translated into their native language. One can also translate their website or app into Marathi for wider audience reach.

Marathi translation can help businesses increase their customer base, generate more leads and increase revenue.

Why should you get your Marathi documents translated by Enuncia Global?

Enuncia Global has a branch office and also a separate contact center in Mumbai and Pune respectively. With such a wide presence, Enuncia Global today provides one of the best and the most accurate Marathi translation service in the country.


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